Join Us! Membership is open to anyone holding an associate or equivalent (RN), baccalaureate or higher degree from an accredited college or university.
The annual membership fee and fundraising events support the operations and programs of the Green Valley branch, as well as our contributions to scholarships, and the local and national AAUW efforts to eliminate educational and economic barriers by addressing such issues as pay equity, sexual harassment, Title IX, and promotion of STEM careers.
Membership year is July 1 – June 30. Your first year is half-price if you join at one of our public meetings.
Green Valley Home Branch Membership
National Association* $72
State (AZ) $ 9
Green Valley $14
Total $95
Dual Branch Membership (If your Home Branch is outside of Arizona)
State (AZ) $ 9
Green Valley $14
Total $23
*100% of the national dues is tax deductible