Green Valley Honored Members

Every  year the Green Valley Branch of AAUW honors up to three members who exemplify the values and mission of the organization.
Members are chosen by a committee who consider their length of membership in AAUW, their depth of involvement, and their commitment to leadership roles within the branch. The Branch then donates funds to AAUW National in the name of these honored women.

2023-24 – Kraylen Miholer| Marilyn Kern| Eileen Bond

2022-23 – Liz Adams|Nancy Bodmer|Susan Peterson

2021-22 – Phyllis Debertin|Karen Lueck

2020-21 – Sharon Rezac-Anderson|Cynthia Surprise

2019-2020 – Kathy Davisson|Bea Kabler

2018-2019 – Ann Bradford|Karen Bond

2017-2018 – Linda Enterline|Henne Queisser

2016-2017 – Lorna Kitchak|Annie Stitt

2015-2016 – Polly Daly|Ruth O’Brien|Carol Rueckert

2014-2015 – Susan Kirk|Suzan Van Thull

2013  – 2014 – Gloria Thiele|Judith Thut

2012  – 2013 – Libby Beyrer|Sharon Lyons

2011  – 2012 – Carol Bowley|Claudette Haney

2010  – 2011 – Carolyn Morley|Randy Westrope

2009  – 2010 – Dorothy McKenna|Ronni Pine|Ginny Seabrook

2008  – 2009 – Gail Garrison|

2007  – 2008- Twyla Baker|Joan Du De Voire|Patricia Erikson|Eloise Fredrickson|Patricia Young

2006  – 2007 – Sharon Chamberlin|Anne Morrison|Lois Strother

2005  – 2006 – Holly Arvanites| Sally Dallas|Natalie Gehl|Helen Nelson-Carroll

2004  – 2005 – Barbara Brown| Pat Young|Marge Hanley

2003  – 2004 – Mary Lou James|Bonnie Richard|Terry Secord

2002  – 2003 – Dinghy Sharp|Marilyn Taylor|Mary Wehmeyer

2001  – 2002 – Lois Pittenger|Marilyn Van Zyl

2000  – 2001 – Lataine German|Peggy Pierce

1999  – 2000 – Ann Eneguess|Pauline Till

1998  – 1999 – Grace Armstrong| Meffie Damon

1997  – 1998 – Margo Graham| Patricia Keyser|Richard Smith

1996  – 1997 – June Homeister|Jody Thompson

1995  – 1996 – Terry Secord |Carolyn Simon |David Sirota| Roslyn B. Sirota

1994  – 1995 – Gini Baird | Nancy Bozulich|Suzanne Happ | Elizabeth Horton

1993  – 1994 – Frances Albers | Marjorie Burke | Frances La Cour  | Irene Lasater |  Carolyn Reed

1992  – 1993 – Christine Conley  |   Sylvia Felix | Patricia Greenig  | Ruth Jolitz

1991  – 1992 – Evelynne Bowman |   Betty Ekstrom | Betty McLeane | Virginia Reid | Virginia Sundheimer

1990  – 1991 – Dottie Bennett |  Evelyn Blass | Neva Cummings | Claire Gardner

1989  – 1990 – Ruth Elster | Louis Hessemer | Minette Ogden | Mary Poole |Clemmie Welch

1988  – 1989 – Eleanor Bice | Ruth W. Edland | Carrie Goldberg | Dorothy Seaberg  | Gladys Lassner  |  Jacquelyn Pollock | David Sirota

1987  – 1988 – Margaret Goodson | Dorothy Hunter |Marjorie Locke | Dorothy Seaberg  | Roslyn B. Sirota

1986  – 1987 – Anne J. Byess | Florence A. Farsje | Mary Ruth Houchin |Alice Sayler

1985  – 1986 – Garnet G. Dalrymple | Maxine Greenwood |Dorothy Loar |    Alice Sayler | Elinore M. Winburne

1984  – 1985 – Elizabeth Belknap | Dorothy Lundstedt | Mildred Mani | Janet Parry

1983  – 1984 – Urita Bentley |  Ruth Dougherty|Olive Vande Ven | Glenna Weiss

1982  – 1983 – Louise Edgerton  | Virginia Neher

1981  – 1982 – Florence Dooley |  Kay Humphrey | Jane Leathem

1980  – 1981 – Anne Bertrand  | Hilda Dunlap | Marion King |  Edna Sanderson

1979  – 1980 – Louis Dodds | Susie Moore | Esther Shroeder | Dorotha Williams

1978  – 1979 – Phyllis Clark

1977  – 1978 – Dee Sheldon

1976  – 1977 – Bee Burtis