Celebrating Women in Song & Words, March 1, 2025
Proceeds from Green Valley AAUW FundFest
support AAUW Scholarships to Pima Community College
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- Collecting tickets for the event, which included a silent auction, light refreshments and a full program
- A silent auction with many raffle baskets was a big part of the event
- Raffle baskets donated by local businesses, AAUW interest groups, and individuals
- Refreshments, many donated by local businesses, were a big hit.
- Auditorim of the Green Valley Community Performing Arts Center (CPAC) where the event was held
- AAUW member Kathy Davisson giving a brief history of AAUW and the Green Valley branch.
- Regina Ford, Reader’s Theater director, & Tamara Kahrimanis, pianist, entertained with song and words
- Pianist Tamara Kahrimanis
- Women from the Reader’s Theatre performed a skit honoring strong women.